No one looks forward to the day when they have to search for an assisted living community for themselves or a loved one. It’s hard to make changes even if you know that they are for the best. We’re here to help you figure it all out. Is Assisted Living the right choice? Let’s talk about it! Assisted Living is …
Mercy Crest Celebrates 25 Years
Mercy Crest Celebrates 25 Years Celebrating 25 years of service to the elderly with an Irish Festival. In the early 1990s, the Sisters of Mercy in Arkansas found a way to provide a retirement home for themselves while ministering to others. With funding from the Sisters’ retirement fund under the guidance of Sister Judith Marie Keith and Sister Stephanie Miller, …
Mercy Crest Assisted Living Provides a Solution
As our loved ones age, it can become increasingly difficult for them to take care of themselves and maintain their independence. Many families find themselves struggling to balance the care of their elderly loved ones with the demands of their own lives, and may feel guilty about not being able to provide the care and attention that their loved ones …
Help Support Riders United 4 Children
As supporters of Sisters of Mercy and their campaign of non-violence, Mercy Crest Assisted Living is committed to helping victims of child abuse. Right now, we are raising funds to help support the local chapter of Riders United 4 Children. Who are they? Riders United 4 Children is “a child-centered, non-political, result-oriented 501c3 organization which exists to end child abuse, …
Christmas with a loved one in Assisted Living
Christmastime can be such a busy time of the year for everyone, but it is important to find time to visit with your loved one in Assisted Living. While one of the many advantages of living in an Assisted Living center is the opportunity for residents to make new friends. This social interaction is important, but simply no replacement for …
The Importance of Mental Health for all Ages
The pandemic has effected our Mental Health, there is no doubt. Mercy Crest is conscious of how important it is to address mental health issues. We combat caregiver fatigue within the families that we help through Respite Care or permanent residency, and even within our own staff. We are all human and we all suffer when under stress and pressure. …
Respite Care: Fight the Burnout of Caregiving
Mercy Crest knows that primary caregivers frequently suffer from the emotional and physical impact of their duties. In general, caregivers are susceptible to burnout, fatigue, and depression. Because of this, primary caregivers need a strong support system to help them navigate this journey. Our Respite Care service is one way we help fight the burnout of caregiving. What is Respite …
Standard Assisted Living VS Assisted Living Memory Care Units
Chances are you or someone you know and love will require some form of assisted living care in the future. It’s important to understand the differences in care between Assisted Living versus Memory Care Units, and the accommodations each may include. Mercy Crest wants to inform everyone so that they can make the best decision when it matters the most. …